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Where Are The People That WANT TO BUY Your Product?

If there is one thing that nearly all network marketers have in common, it’s the belief that our products and offers are unmatched! I believe that even as you read that sentence you even nodded your head thinking of your own product. So the question that plagues network marketers is “Why is it that when I present my product to other people, they don’t feel the same way I do about it?” It’s a question that I feel is best answered with an analogy. Now let’s compare your product to the best steak in the world. The taste is so exquisite that it is indisputably the greatest steak ever! You can’t imagine anybody resisting the succulence of this world-class meal. So you start approaching people in an effort to sell this steak. Little did you know that you are in an area comprised of mostly vegetarians. So while you may have the best steak in the world, and despite your best efforts, you just can’t get anybody to take a bite…

So as you can see from this example, it’s not the product that’s the issue, it’s the product to consumer match that’s the problem. So no matter how hard you try to sell your product, if it’s to the wrong person, you won’t get that sale no matter how hard you try! This is a major problem that seems to be overlooked by network marketers. They blame the people for not wanting the product as opposed to finding the people who are actively looking for what they have to offer.

Now quickly going back to the steak example, imagine if you left that town of vegetarians and went to a town of meat eaters. Once they hear about your steak they will be running over each other, knocking at your door, asking for a taste of the steak! Now equate that with your product. If you go to where the people are that want your product, you will create more sales than you can handle and your time will be better spent. You can spend 10 hours selling your steak to vegetarians and end up with no sales, or you can go to the next town over, spend 2 hours selling and see massive results!

Taking on this mindset shift from pushing your products to just anybody and transitioning it to finding your ideal audience, will do more for your business than you can imagine! You will instantly increase sales, you will save yourself major headaches, and you will be able to provide better guidance to your team so they can do the same!

That is a major focus that I have, that my team has been able to benefit from. I actually went out of my way to create a training that teaches my downline how to not only find the ideal customers, but actually attract these customers to us so we don’t even have to waste any time looking for them. I also have systems in place that allows us to make sales without even having to converse or convince these customers. They seek us out, buy our products and services, and are put on an automatic follow-up sequence so they can purchase from us again in the future. And that is all before we’ve even had a chance to realize what happened or even reach out to them. These systems put the sales process on autopilot allowing us to benefit from this leveraged use of the internet. I’m proud to say that no team is set up for success quite like mine and I hope that you too can benefit from these systems one day as well!

If you’d like to learn more about these systems that I have in place, I would actually like to teach them to you! My team and I have put together a free training focusing on teaching the exact strategies I use to be able to sell my product with unmatched effectiveness. Click the link on the left to have these trainings sent directly to you so you can apply them in your current business or you can click the link on the right where I will personally teach you how to maximize these strategies with a compensation plan that is unlike any others in the industry!