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The Best Answer To ANY Objections About Your Opportunity

Imagine never hearing the word “no” …

I’ll let you savor that dream for a moment because in this profession, at some point, it’s something we hear all too often. Now there are two things that I would like to point out about this word.

1. It can come disguised as a whole assortment of different phrases.

2. It isn’t as clear-cut as it is made to be.

Some of the most common ways people disguise their “no” is by saying one of these phrases:

• “I don’t have the time for this.”

• “I don’t have the money for this.”

• “I have to think about it.”

• “I heard this is a scam/pyramid scheme.”

• “I’m not the sales type.”

And the list goes on…

But while these may seem like insurmountable and unrelated objections, the way in which we handle them is the same. The first thing you have to do is remain postured. Don’t let the answer rattle you, just simply accept what they say. But then find out if this is the underlying problem that needs to be faced. This is extremely important because if what they say is not their real issue, then you can bend over backwards to solve the wrong issue, only for a different problem to arise afterwards. This can be done by asking a question that opens up the topic to be resolved. In most cases asking a “how” question has produced great responses. For example:

Prospect: “I don’t have the money.”

You: “How far off are we?”

This will automatically put the prospect in a state of looking for a resolution as opposed to accepting the problem as unresolvable.

Prospect: “Well I’m about $50 off”

Notice how now the problem to be solved is no longer vague and unsolvable but is now identified and a solution can now be worked out.

I recommend trying out this simple technique to begin overcoming these types of objections when you are faced with them. Personally, I’ve made it a point to eliminate many of these objections with my team’s systems so NO recruit has to deal with the issues of:

• Not having enough time to work on the business; we have automated our sales and recruiting systems so those parts of the business are on autopilot.

• Not being a salesperson; our automated systems ensure you won’t have to do any of the selling yourself.

• Not wanting to bother friends and family; customers will actually be coming to you ASKING for your products and leads will be handed off to you as well.

• Not knowing anyone; our systems allow you to put yourself in front of a world-wide audience so you are no longer inhibited by only presenting to the people you know.

• Not believing that money can be made; our systems are designed to make sure you get paid in your first 7 days.

• Having tried in the past and it not working; no other team is set up quite like ours in the sense that we are the only team that has the 21 Network Marketing system in place, so we can produce results that far surpass any regular organization.

• Not knowing how to run a business; with our step-by-step success blueprint you can come in with no prior experience and with our training become a master network marketer.

If you would like to learn more about these systems so you may apply them to your own business, click the link below and schedule a consultation call where I will personally see to your success!